Photo: Adriano Ma.
Links Hall and Rolling Puppet Alternative Theatre present
Made in Macau
Made in Macau 2.0 tells a personal history of the island city Macau. A territory of Portugal for four centuries until it was handed over to China in 1999, it is now a Special Administrative Region and one of the most populated places on earth. Intimate family memories confront present day realities along side the changing identity of island city’s unique, hybrid culture. Local ideologies resound as serious and comic scenes use contemporary staging with traditional puppets and everyday household objects.
For ages 6 and up.
Check out the trailer for Made in Macau 2.0 here.
$21 General Admission
$16 Seniors/Students
Saturday, January 18th at 5pm followed by a post-show talkback
About Rolling Puppet Alternative Theater
Rolling Puppet Alternative Theater from Macau celebrates Chinese culture through both traditional and modern puppetry styles. Known for visually vibrant storytelling, they combine classic puppetry styles with contemporary narratives. At the festival, Made in Macau offers a glimpse into Macau’s rich heritage and diverse artistic influences.

About the Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival
The 2025 Chicago Puppet Fest will span 12 days and dozens of Chicago venues, presenting an international pageant of puppet artists sharing more than 100 puppetry activities. Get set for all-ages spectacle shows in landmark theaters, intimate works on smaller stages, and the always popular, adults-only, late night puppet cabarets.
With hundreds of artists and civic leaders working around the globe and here in Chicago to make it happen, we aim to fan a fire in you that inspires your vigor and heats your soul. We offer a unique and broad range of work from around our planet. You’ll find the puppet particularly adept at embodying the supernatural with such tales as Dracula or The Cabinet. Likewise the puppet holds the gravity of powerful dramas such as Life & Times of Michael K and The House by the Lake. And equally capturing a comic world of I Killed The Monster. Revel with us in the return of Chicago’s jewel: The Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival! Learn more at